
The aim of this project is to monitor our heartbeat and saturation level and the output will be displayed in a dashboard.

Slides & Videos


Marie-Estelle GOUNALANE- Assembly
- Hardware
- Arduino Code (Max 30100, Condition)
Indrajit RAJASOORIAR- Configuration Node Red
- Design dashboard
- Arduino Code (LED)

State of the Art

Business Aspect
Technical Aspect

How to Use the MAX30100 as Arduino Heart Rate Sensor

We used this website to refer how we should connect the Max30100.

Project Description

Problem Definition
The user should be able to monitor his heartbeat and saturation level and he should be notify if the measurement are abnormal.
Challenges &Β Motivation
We wanted to do a project that involve the medical field.
Real and Complete Usecases

Know his heartbeat per second.

Know his saturation level per second.

Be notify if his heartbeat is abnormal.

Be notify if his saturation level is abnormal.

Technical Description

The user will be notify through a blink of Led (Blue one) if his saturation level is lower than normal. Moreover He will be notify though the dashboard. A message will appear.

The user will be notify through a blink of Led (Red one) if his heartbeat is lower or higher than normal. Moreover He will be notify though the dashboard. A message will appear.



ImageNamePart NumberPriceCountLink
Arduino UNO0$23.001πŸ›’
Max 301000$10,091πŸ›’
10kOhm resistance0$5.995πŸ›’
USB Cable UNO R30$13.951πŸ›’


External Services

Node Red

Node red was used to do the dashboard.